There are also several characters shown that don't appear in the final game, including a female mage (Who somewhat bears a striking resemblance in appearance to Jake), and a male monk.Specter seems to have gone through the most changes, but he has always had a unique helmet and throne to set him apart from the other apes, even in the earliest artwork, along with his albino coloring.Since she holds a Stun Club, it's possible that she could have either been a second playable character, similar to Yumi, or an assistant like Casi. Helga also strangely appears in this artwork, which means that Helga was originally planned to be in the prototype/original Ape Escape.Spike also had an animal companion on his shoulder that may or may not have evolved into Pipotchi from the second game. While it doesn't seem like Gadgets appear in this concept, Spike is seen wielding a sword and a wooden club, similarly to the Stun Club. In some artworks, his blonde tuft on his forehead is gone, making him look similar to Jimmy. Spike's horizontally-striped shirt matches some unused sprites found in the data of Ape Escape, showing that some ideas from this artbook, at one time, made it off the paper and into the game in some form, before the changes were made. Spike's appearance is similar to his final design, but seems more mature, slightly taller and has an earing on his left ear.Monkeys also appeared, but there was no catching mechanic added. While the animal movement was scrapped, the idea was reworked into the R.C. Spike would have moved with the Left Stick, and have an animal companion be moved with the Right Stick. Spike would venture throughout the world, trying to find a way back home. The plot of the game would have revolved around The Professor sending Spike to an "Animal World" where primates ruled the world as villains.In honor of Ape Escape's 20th anniversary, this Twitter account was set up, and periodically provided various sketches and drawings for concepts that ultimately didn't get into the first game, As well as an art book.

An Eyetoy entry in the series, Monkey Mania, never got an North American version due to poor reception in Japan, Europe, and Australia.

One for North America where the characters all have American accents, and another for the UK where everyone has a British accent.

These designs might have inspired Yumi's Fantasy Knight transformation in Ape Escape 3.